[flext] Compilation Problems

julien Colafrancesco jcolafrancesco at gmail.com
Sun Nov 8 18:58:43 CET 2009

I'am new with flext and with sources building in general. And i have some
complilation problems.
I'm using visual c++ 2008.(is there a more appropriate version of msvc ?)
I'have download the last version of flext via subversion and I'have also
download the PD sources and pthreads win32 binaries.

i'm folowing the instructions and after the second "build pd msvc" i have
this kind of error:

(it's juste the last lines)
        cl /c   /DNDEBUG /Ox /G6 /arch:SSE /YXflext.h
/Fppd-msvc\release-shared\precompiled.pch /LD /EHsc /GR /Oi /nologo
/D_WIN32_WINNT=0x500  /I"C:\pd"\src /I"C:\pd"\src
/I"C:\pd"\flext\source\lockfree source\flbind.cpp
cl : Ligne de commande warning D9002 : option '/G6' inconnue ignorée
cl : Ligne de commande warning D9002 : option '/YXflext.h' inconnue ignorée
        cl /c   /DNDEBUG /Ox /G6 /arch:SSE /YXflext.h
/Fppd-msvc\release-shared\precompiled.pch /LD /EHsc /GR /Oi /nologo
/D_WIN32_WINNT=0x500  /I"C:\pd"\src /I"C:\pd"\src
/I"C:\pd"\flext\source\lockfree source\flmap.cpp /
cl : Ligne de commande warning D9002 : option '/G6' inconnue ignorée
cl : Ligne de commande warning D9002 : option '/YXflext.h' inconnue ignorée
        link /DLL  /nologo /INCREMENTAL:NO  /LIBPATH:"C:\pd"\bin
/LIBPATH:"C:\pd"\bin flbase.obj flext.obj flbuf.obj fldsp.obj fllib.obj
flxlet.obj flattr.obj flattr_ed.
obj flsupport.obj  flutil.obj flatom.obj flatom_pr.obj flthr.obj fltimer.obj
flsimd.obj flout.obj  flatom_part.obj flitem.obj flmeth.obj flmsg.obj
flproxy.obj flqueue.ob
j flbind.obj flmap.obj  pthreadVC.lib pd.lib LIBCPMT.LIB LIBCMT.LIB
LINK : fatal error LNK1181: impossible d'ouvrir le fichier en entrée
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
9.0\VC\BIN\link.EXE"' : code retour '0x49d'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
9.0\VC\BIN\nmake.exe"' : code retour '0x2'

These two lines are recurrents:
*cl : Ligne de commande warning D9002 : option '/G6' inconnue ignorée
cl : Ligne de commande warning D9002 : option '/YXflext.h' inconnue ignorée*

Can someone help me ?
Thanks a lot !
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