[flext] INCPATH macro

Thomas Grill gr at grrrr.org
Sun Aug 7 15:04:59 CEST 2011

Hi Stefano,
it depends on the platform (unix is different from Windows) and where you actually want to specify the additional path.

Using unix make INCPATH += -I mypath should work (this is preceded by an -I for the compiler flag)
On Windows (using nmake) it's more like INCPATH=$(INCPATH) /I mypath

The above is meant for inside the flext custom build scripts.

If you want to specify the additional folder directly on the command line (along with sh flext/build.sh) i guess it should work (under bash at least) with preceding the command with INCPATH="-I mypath" but i haven't tried that.


Am 07.08.2011 um 10:44 schrieb Stefano Papetti:

> Hi Thomas,
> I was looking into some old post from the flext list but I couldn't find a clear solution to this recurring (dumb?) problem: how the INCPATH macro works?
> I'd like to add an include path when building from command line, but ending my build command with "INCPATH += -IMYPATH" doesn't do the trick, both using relative and absolute paths...
> Best,
> Stefano

Thomas Grill
+43 699 19715543

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