[flext] Flext on 64-bit Windows

Jamie Bullock jamie at jamiebullock.com
Mon Apr 15 18:43:19 CEST 2019

Hello list…

Flext doesn’t support 64-bit builds on Windows, and therefore doesn’t support Max 8, which AFAICT is 64-bit only.

This is due to an inline assembly block in the atomic CAS implementation… Inline assembly isn’t supported for x64 builds.

Does anyone have any suggestions for how to get around this?

My opinion is that the code in Flext is pretty ancient now, and as we have std::atomic and std::thread since C++11, it should be updated to use those. I’d be willing to have a go at refactoring along these lines if people agree it’s a good option and / or there aren’t existing solutions to the above.


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