[flext] Error compiling in Ubuntu 12.04

Santi belfegor at gmail.com
Mon Jun 11 19:01:30 CEST 2012


i think this is interesting for the list:

build.sh doesn't link externals with libraries in Ubuntu 11.10 and
upper. They had added the flag --ad-as-needed by default to gcc, so
the order in the commanda is important. Compiling and linking my
external with build.sh the line

 g++  -lola -pthread -shared  -Wl,-S -L/home/santi/PMS/pd-0.43-2/bin
-L/usr/lib -o pd-linux/release-multi/ola2pd.pd_linux
pd-linux/release-multi/main.opp  -lflext-pd_t

gives one binary with undefined symbols. Changing to

g++  -pthread -shared  -Wl,-S -L/home/santi/PMS/pd-0.43-2/bin
-L/usr/lib -o pd-linux/release-multi/ola2pd.pd_linux
pd-linux/release-multi/main.opp  -lflext-pd_t -lola works fine.



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