[flext] Overriding delete operator

Arshia Cont arshia.cont at ircam.fr
Tue Jun 19 11:50:53 CEST 2012

Hi list,

It seems to me that Flext objects, by default, attempt to call a delete operator that is owned by Flext even if they shouldn't:

0   com.cycling74.Max             	0x00033889 sysmem_freeptr_imp + 13
1   com.cycling74.MaxAPI          	0x017631c2 sysmem_freeptr + 34
2   antescofo~                    	0x83bf6d10 flext_root_multi::operator delete(void*) + 24
3   antescofo~                    	0x83be5ba7 std::_Vector_base<double, std::allocator<double> >::_M_deallocate(double*, unsigned long) + 21

Here, the delete is called by STD but flext delete is called instead… .

If it was in my code, I would have called with correct namespace but it's not!

Any way to override this?

Arshia Cont

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