[flext] Max inlet shift-click?

Jamie Bullock jamie at jamiebullock.com
Tue Nov 26 19:59:20 UTC 2013

Hi all,

In Max you can get a list of messages that an object can receive by shift-clicking the inlet. This gives a contextual list of the form "Attributes: ... Messages: ... Actions: ..." I only just became aware of this, so I'm not sure how long it has been in Max. Certainly since Max 5.

I'm guessing Flext externals create an auto-generated list of "accepted messages". However, what is generated isn't very helpful. For an "anything" inlet on a Flext external, shift-click gives me:

anything [variable]
float [float]
ft1 [float]
ft9 [float]
in1 [int]
in9 [int]
list [variable]

Is it possible to explicitly set this information, or at least override the default behaviour so the ft1-ft9 and in1-in9 aren't displayed?

Also it would be good if attributes were listed, for example, Max's [print] object has:

		popup [int] (val = 0)


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