[flext] Building Flext Externals on Lion

Arshia Cont Arshia.Cont at ircam.fr
Fri Feb 24 11:39:11 CET 2012

Dear list,

We are having trouble making our good old Flext externals (Multi) work on 10.7 . By working I mean that things compile happily but strange behavior is observed in runtime (for MaxMSP). I am pretty sure this is coming from compiler setup issues. I therefore wanted to know whether anyone has overcome this and whether you'd want to share your options.

We use Xcode and for both Flext and Externals we use the following options:

Architecture: 32-bit
Base SDK: OSX 10.6
Compiler: LLVM GCC 4.2
Deployment Target: OSX 10.6

Our object seems to work in Debug mode but gives strange crashes in the Release mode! Same behavior when compiled in terminal.. .

Anyone has come to this?!

Arshia Cont

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