[flext] flext newbie has build problems on osx

Hannes Breitschädel hannes-b at gmx.at
Tue Jun 21 15:17:12 CEST 2011

Compiling now worked, there is still a linker issue. 

I learned the following things I am glad to share with the flext community.

Tips on builing flext on OSX for newbies:
1) it is possible to drag and drop folders from finder into the terminal window. I it is also possible to drag them into a text file. Safes a lot of time entering long paths!!
2) command + T clears terminal output window.
3) I had to define some paths for the compiler:
	UFLAGS += -I/usr/include/c++/4.2.1
	UFLAGS += -I/usr/llvm-gcc-4.2/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include
	UFLAGS += -I/usr/include/c++/4.2.1/i686-apple-darwin10
	UFLAGS += -I/usr/include

4) I changed the flext source file "flutil.cpp" completely: 
	removed:	#include <Carbon/Carbon.h> 

 and reduced the following two functions to		
	void flext::CopyMem(void *dst,const void *src,int bytes) 

	void flext::ZeroMem(void *dst,int bytes) 

5) /usr on osx is hidden and spotlight does not search there.

	to display hidden files in finder type:
	defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
	killall Finder

	to do the reverse:
	defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles FALSE
	killall Finder

6) to search within hidden paths:
	select the hidden folder in finder,
	type command + F
	enter search name
	AND select the hidden folder (usually to the right of "This Mac")

now compilation works. The linker throws this error:
	ld: library not found for -ldylib1.o
g++ -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 -dynamiclib -flat_namespace -undefined suppress -dynamic -framework vecLib -Wl,-S -arch i386 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk -install_name /usr/local/lib/libflext-pd.dylib -current_version 0.5.2 -compatibility_version 0.5 -preload -seg1addr 0xd0000000 -L/Users/Hannes/flext_test/Pd-0.42.app/Contents/Resources/bin -o pd-darwin/release-shared/libflext-pd.0.5.2.dylib   pd-darwin/release-shared/flbase.opp pd-darwin/release-shared/flext.opp pd-darwin/release-shared/flbuf.opp pd-darwin/release-shared/fldsp.opp pd-darwin/release-shared/fllib.opp pd-darwin/release-shared/flxlet.opp pd-darwin/release-shared/flattr.opp pd-darwin/release-shared/flattr_ed.opp pd-darwin/release-shared/flsupport.opp pd-darwin/release-shared/flutil.opp pd-darwin/release-shared/flatom.opp pd-darwin/release-shared/flatom_pr.opp pd-darwin/release-shared/flthr.opp pd-darwin/release-shared/fltimer.opp pd-darwin/release-shared/flsimd.opp pd-darwin/release-shared/flout.opp pd-darwin/release-shared/flatom_part.opp pd-darwin/release-shared/flitem.opp pd-darwin/release-shared/flmeth.opp pd-darwin/release-shared/flmsg.opp pd-darwin/release-shared/flproxy.opp pd-darwin/release-shared/flqueue.opp pd-darwin/release-shared/flbind.opp pd-darwin/release-shared/flmap.opp


additionally here is the content of config-mac-pd-gcc.txt

# where is the PD installation including source code?
# (this should point to the main folder, which has a "src" subfolder)

# where is the PD executable?


# prefix for flext installation
# headers are in $(FLEXTPREFIX)/include/flext
# libraries are in $(FLEXTPREFIX)/lib
# build system is in $(FLEXTPREFIX)/lib/flext



# where should the external be built?

# where should the external be installed?


# STK (synthesis tool kit) support
# http://ccrma.stanford.edu/software/stk

# where to find the STK header files (e.g. stk.h)

# where to find the STK library (normally libstk.a)
# (comment out STK_LIB if you don't use STK)


# SndObj support
# http://music.nuim.ie//musictec/SndObj

# where to find the SndObj header files (e.g. sndobj.h)

# where to find the SndObj library (normally libsndobj.a)
# (comment out SNDOBJ_LIB if you don't use SndObj)


# make flags (e.g. use multiprocessor)

# user defined compiler flags
UFLAGS += -ffast-math -mmacosx-version-min=10.4

UFLAGS += -I/usr/include/c++/4.2.1
UFLAGS += -I/usr/llvm-gcc-4.2/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include
UFLAGS += -I/usr/include/c++/4.2.1/i686-apple-darwin10
UFLAGS += -I/usr/include

# user defined linker flags
LDFLAGS += -mmacosx-version-min=10.4

# user defined optimization flags
#OFLAGS += -O2 # -ftree-vectorize

# user defined debugging flags

# architecture-specific flags (optional)
#UFLAGS_ppc += -mcpu=G4 -faltivec 
OFLAGS_ppc += 
DFLAGS_ppc +=

#UFLAGS_i386 += -mmmx -msse -msse2 -msse3 -mtune=nocona
OFLAGS_i386 += 
DFLAGS_i386 +=

# cross-compilation (optional)
#x86_64 ppc64

# SDK for 10.4


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