[flext] Ubuntu 12.04 Flext install issues

jonathan pivar jonathanpivar at gmail.com
Tue Nov 5 22:19:52 CET 2013


So, I thought that it compiled properly, it was able to run without errors.
 However, when I tried the two examples: ex-henon.pd and ex-myext.pd I ran
into issues.

ex-henon.pd opened but the console read:

Incorrect number of arguements for henon fractal. Expecting 4 arguments.
ex-henon.pd 2 0 7 1 (nbx->henon) connection failed
ex-henon.pd 3 0 7 2 (nbx->henon) connection failed

And, myext wasn't able to be created.

There were new Flext folders created(which makes me think it may have
compiled?) in:

/usr/local/include  and

Ultimately, I'm also trying to get py running as well.  I was able to
create a py object, however, I received an error:

ImportError: No module named numpy.core.multiarray.

numpy is already installed. Is the error saying that numpy is working
except multiarray?

Also, when I open a py object's properties, it opens a window with
attribute initial value, current value, etc., however, doing anything, even
"leave" caused pd to get a bit wiggy.

I'm wondering if I'm still having Flext issues, and py issues are dependent
on it?

Thanks so much for walking me through this! And, for your continued

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